Thank you for contacting us.
We receive a large volume of telephone calls, letters, e-mails and faxes from those who would like to consult with Dr. Verghese. It is his sincere desire to respond to each individual’s questions and concerns as quickly as possible through email or telephone. We appreciate your patience.
If you would like a very brief personal telephone consultation with one of our specialists, call (856) 939-4484. Should you need a consultation longer than 5 minutes, we’ll have to charge a fee.
For our natural supplements information, you can call our order line toll-free at 856-939-5560 or check this Web site. Our mailing address for check or money order is: Faith & Family Nutrition, P.O. Box 217, Glendora, NJ 08029.
We carry hundreds of natural supplements and natural medicines which are not all listed on the website or order form. They are recommended only after a telephone consultation or visit with one of the doctors at our Integrative Medicine & Biofeedback Clinic at: 1-888-661-2827.
Don’t Buy Toxic Supplements
Our doctors used to refer their patients to various health food stores for their supplements. On many occasions they had discovered arsenic, lead, diesel oil, mercury, insecticide, pesticide, cockroach feces and other toxins in those supplements. They can trigger disease processes. In addition, many brands contain less ingredients and potency listed on the label, but more impure or useless compounds.
Our Supplements
Faith & Family Nutrition supplements are exquisite because they are of the highest purity, potency, quality and thus produce excellent results. They are free of toxins of every kind, unlike most of what you buy from health food stores and other multilevel marketing companies.
Some of our advanced supplements formulated years ago contained ingredients that only recently formulators are adding to their products. For example, almost 20 years ago, Dr. Verghese included curcuminoids, bromelian, papain, boswellin (frankincense) and certain amino acids in his joint formula. Only recently many of the doctors have been writing and talking about those ingredients as “great miracle cures” for the joints, cancer and other disorders. The same is true of our brain supplements.
In fact, as far as we know, a few years ago only Natural Joint Integrity was formulated with the low 12.5 mg. of chondroitin sulfate per capsule; all other manufactures and healthcare providers recommend anywhere from 400 mg to 1200 mg which can promote proliferation of prostate cancer. Another example is the men’s multivitamin/mineral complex. We lead the way in manufacturing iron-free, plant based vitamin supplements for men. Most manufacturers are still marketing formulas that can cause liver and heart damage due to high levels of iron.
Since we are not a multi-level marketing company, we have decided not to print a catalog as we constantly update our supplement formulations. Our excellent research and manufacturing team aims for the best possible natural, pure, nutritional support to provide biologically active nutrients at the mitochondrial level to help prevent or lower the risk of chronic conditions, as well as maintain maximum health. We have a highly dedicated and caring staff assisting everyone as much as possible.
Faith & Family Nutrition products are part of a healing ministry. So you are also partners with us in helping many who need mental and physical healing, allowing God to bring blessings into many lives. We pray for all our customers and love you in the Lord. We would be grateful for your prayers.
We appreciate your faithful support of this natural healing ministry in your prayers. It is our earnest prayer that God will richly bless you with radiant health and a long satisfying life suffused with Christ’s love.
In His eternal love,
From all of us at Faith & Family Nutrition