
Alzheimer`s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease Inside the Brain

The progressive degeneration of brain tissue is characterized by the gradual proliferation of clumps of tangled fibers and sticky neuritic plaques called beta amyloid. Scientists link the disease to a gene that codes for the synthesis of apolipoprotein E (APOE), a substance that helps deliver cholesterol and triglyceride fats throughout body cells. The risk for Alzheimer’s is dramatically increased in those with the genetic variant known as APOE4.

In a study based on military medical records, researchers found that head injuries in youth greatly increased the risk of developing Alzheimer’s later in life. The disease develops in the interior part of the brain known as the entorhinal cortex and slowly spreads upward to the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for forming and retrieving various kinds of memories. Eventually the disease makes its way to the cortex.

As the disease spreads to various regions of the brain, social abilities deteriorate, along with perception of space and time. Severe mood swings, outbursts of anger, aggressive behavior, disorientation, odd gait, or loss of coordination, and loss of bladder and/or bowel control may ensue as the disease progresses. Sufferers may also experience episodes of fearfulness, deep apathy, depression, or complete loss of reality and speech functions.

The brain shrinks in size and weight as the disease eats away healthy cells. At this stage, memory of all kinds and capacity for abstract thought processes are lost. Personality and spirituality are also destroyed as the brain dies away. There is nothing we know today that will completely regenerate the brain to its original form once the disease has destroyed a substantial portion of the brain.

The progressive nature of Alzheimer’s disease is classified into three stages.

  • Stage I is characterized by progressive forgetfulness, loss of short-term memory, increased anxiety and sometimes depression. At this stage spiritual aspiration is usually lost or reduced to mere ritualistic repetition.
  • In Stage II, past memory mayremain intact; immediate memory becomes elusive. The early signs of disorientation and confusion become a daily experience. Writing difficulties and other distortions of cognitive functions take the victim further into a shadowy world. Initially the person is usually helplessly aware of his deepeningpredicament. In most cases, toward the end of Stage II, mood and personality rapidly deteriorate.
  • In Stage III most people lose cherished memories, the ability to recognize loved ones, and even themselves. Delusions, hallucinations, passivity, and violent episodes may follow. In addition, most become bedridden, needing full-time hospital or nursing home care. Some may lapse into an unconscious state before passing away.


The sooner natural interventions are implemented, the more promising the outcome. For some, progress with supplements will take time, based on the extent of brain tissue loss. People with early stage Alzheimer’s may usually show rapid improvement with supplementation and wholesome diet within one year. Others may take anywhere from one year or more to show improvement.

If the disease has progressed to many regions of the brain, regeneration will take longer, and full recovery is questionable. When one-fourth or more of the brain is destroyed, it’s your decision to give or not to give supplements.

No matter how advanced the disease, some of the ingredients in the recommended supplements are capable of enhancing activity and inhibiting the rapid destruction of brain cells. Published studies also indicate these ingredients may protect healthy people against various types of degeneration that occur in the aging brain. What’s good for the brain is generally good for the heart.

Proven Tips:

1. Establish a consistent and familiar routine.

2. Four to six small meals are recommended.

3. Taking an afternoon nap is helpful for brain regeneration. You need at least eight hours of sleep in the night. If you cannot sleep well, take sleep supplements.

4. Rocking chairs seem to help reduce anxiety, frustration and depression. Rocking also increases motivation to walk.

5. Eating a balanced natural food diet (consisting primarily of whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, with or without a small quantity of animal products—preferably all organically raised) will slow mental deterioration, assist the process of cleansing the body, improve energy level and wellbeing, and substantially enhance the efficiency of nutritional supplementation.

Diet is a vital part of any treatment plan for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. If chewing foods is difficult, purée them in a blender and concentrate on improving the quality of diet and assuring thorough chewing of foods, even those that are puréed.

6. Closely related to diet, the following also warrant consideration. Adequate intake of pure water, generally one to three quarts daily, is very important, especially during the first few months of dietary change or supplementation.

These measures prompt a cleansing detoxification of the body. Avoid food or drink that has been heated, cooked, or stored in aluminum or fluorocarbon-coated (e.g., Teflon) cookware, since both aluminum and fluoride compounds are neurotoxins. Do not neglect God’s most basic gifts: sunshine, a vital nutrient taken in through the skin and eyes (take off your glasses and expose your eyes to indirect sunlight with eyes open, direct sunlight with eyes closed); fresh air and contact with the earth—walk barefooted on grass, take walks in beautiful natural places, plant flowers if you can, enjoy the sunrise and sunset, those wonderful demonstrations of God’s glory. Bathe or shower with filtered water to keep your body clean and fresh; vigorously rubbing the skin with a terry cloth towel is stimulating and beneficial.

7. Evidence based on observation suggests that Alzheimer’s Disease may develop following emotional trauma (loss of a loved one, deep disappointment, major setbacks in life, etc.) or in those drifting into a state of emotional resignation. Attention to emotional issues and attitudes—plus creating an environment of pleasure, lively interest in life, joy, gratitude, friendship, creativity, prayer, and spirituality—may be crucial to the long-term success of any regimen for the prevention or treatment of Alzheimer’s and related degenerative disorders.
Suggestion for Support: Pray and act.

The responsibility of taking care of a person with Alzheimer’s can be overwhelming. Bible-believing churches in nearby cities can get together, organize and provide safe, loving, friendly day care centers for our suffering senior saints. Meantime, look to adult day care centers, support groups for caregivers, medical, social, or family counseling groups. Recommended Supplements: Brain Igniter and Brain Food (give both together), Enzymes, Super, Male Performance Enhancer, Neuro Balancer (if depression is present, take it alone from other supplements, with food), Neuro Complex, Clarimen GC (creatine monohydrate), Multiple for Every Man, Multiple for Every WomanNatural 5-HTP or Melatonin at bedtime, Vitamin E, Adv. Gamma, Vitamin B-12 + Folic Acid (only in the daytime), Neuro Relaxer (take only as prescribed on bottle).

Heart ProlongevityCalcium, Bone Density and Coral Calcium Plus (rotate monthly), Vitamin D-3 + K-2, Immune Enhancer I and Immune Enhancer III, Grape Seed Extract, and L-Taurine.  You may add additional CoQ10.  Vol 3 of “Brain Power” contains detailed information on Alzheimer’s, other brain diseases and the use of DMAE, Pregnenolone, and growth hormone formulas.

Galantamine is found in Neuro Relaxer, which is widely used for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. We are in the process of finalizing a formula that contains the best of many supplements effective in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease in one bottle.

Note: You don’t have to order all the supplements listed for each health condition. Start with the first one to three products, based on your needs. Take supplements for a minimum of one month (in severe cases longer) until relieved of the symptoms. Then take supplements on and off for maintenance.

Information provided on these pages is given within the context of a wellness program. All materials provided or sold on this Web site, including herbs or other supplements, should not be construed as personal medical advice. The user must assume responsibility to seek appropriate health care from professionals prior to implementing the recommendations made on the program or using any product sold on Faith & Family Nutrition Web site. The user is solely responsible for the outcome. Any person, information, or product associated with this site cannot be held responsible for your actions, nor any conditions resulting thereof.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.