
Supplement GuideHypothyroidism. Characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones, it is actually a constellation of diseases of various etiologies. The severity of the symptoms depends on the level of thyroid hormones, though there is not always a simple linear correlation between numbers and severity of symptoms. Symptoms are variable and include apathy, fatigue, impaired memory, mental dullness, weight gain, slow heart rate, thinning of hair mass, dry skin, constipation, puffiness of face with dull expression, anemia, low basal temperature, and inability to tolerate cold.

Laboratory determination of circulating thyroid hormone levels and anti-thyroid antibodies is important. However, people with normal thyroid levels may still suffer many hypothyroid symptoms. Clearly there are subtleties and complexities of thyroid function that have eluded medical science. So the diagnosis must be made on the basis of lab results and symptoms.

If there is an autoimmune component driving your hypothyroidism, see supplement recommendations in Immune Dysfunction section.

Wholesome balanced eating is important, especially including frequent consumption of sea vegetables which are rich in iodine and other minerals needed for optimum thyroid function. Avoid eating raw cabbage, rutabagas, spinach, and radishes, all of which inhibit synthesis of thyroid hormones. It should be emphasized that unless the condition is severe and unremitting, it can usually be treated naturally without resorting to thyroid hormone replacement. It is best to intervene early with the resources God has provided for our sustenance and healing.

Recommended Supplements: Thyroid Health (unnecessary if you are eating sea vegetables generously every day), and Multiple for Every Man and Multiple for Every Woman.

Hyperthyroidism. Characterized by overproduction of thyroid hormones, an even more diverse array of diseases is subsumed under the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism than we find in hypothyroidism. One of these is called thyroid storm—fortunately not common; it has a sudden onset of life-threatening symptoms; with the exception of thyroid storm, most cases of hyperthyroidism are amenable to natural treatment strategies, particularly if treatment is begun early before symptoms become intense. Common signs and symptoms include goiter, tachycardia, tremor, various eye symptoms, atrial fibrillation, nervousness, increased activity, increased sweating, heat intolerance, palpitations, fatigue, increased appetite, weight loss, insomnia, weakness, and frequent bowel movements.

Recommended Supplements: Eat thyroxine-blocking foods such as cabbage, broccoli, rutabagas, spinach, and radishes. Avoid sea vegetables because they contain iodine.

Note: You don’t have to order all the supplements listed for each health condition. Start with the first one to three products, based on your needs. Take supplements for a minimum of one month (in severe cases longer) until relieved of the symptoms. Then take supplements on and off for maintenance.

Information provided on these pages is given within the context of a wellness program. All materials provided or sold on this Web site, including herbs or other supplements, should not be construed as personal medical advice. The user must assume responsibility to seek appropriate health care from professionals prior to implementing the recommendations made on the program or using any product sold on Faith & Family Nutrition Web site. The user is solely responsible for the outcome. Any person, information, or product associated with this site cannot be held responsible for your actions, nor any conditions resulting thereof.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.