Diabetes Mellitus

Supplement GuideThis describes the body’s inability to regulate glucose, the fuel used by cells to produce energy, and insulin—a hormone produced by the pancreas—that helps glucose enter cells. The normal range for glucose is between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). A blood concentration of 140mg/dl or higher is considered diabetes. Diabetes is often associated with a deep, resigned sadness, as though all the sweetness has gone out of life. For best results in overcoming diabetes, the underlying melancholy must be addressed, using strategies which are discussed throughout this book. Recommended Supplements: Glucose Metabolizer, Vitamin B-1 (Vitamin B-1 helps prevent glucose from reacting with proteins and helps participate in the appropriate glucose metabolism), Magnesium Citrate, GTF Chromium, Royal Jelly, Fenugreek/Thyme, Heart Prolongevity, Vitamin E, Adv. Gamma, Multiple for Every Man, Multiple for Every Woman, and Grape Seed Extract. To reduce damage to the retina of the eyes, take Healthy Eyes. Monitor your blood sugar levels. Note: You don’t have to order all the supplements listed for each health condition. Start with the first one to three products, based on your needs. Take supplements for a minimum of one month (in severe cases longer) until relieved of the symptoms. Then take supplements on and off for maintenance.

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